Vanced Manager Apk V2.6.2 Latest 2023 (YouTube Premium) the many multimedia players you can choose from right now, vanced manager apk is one of the best recommendations. This app allows you to access all the content on YouTube without any restrictions.

The application’s users continue to grow as time goes by. This is because there are so many advantages that you will get when the application is installed on the respective device. Users of this application themselves come from various circles, especially music lovers.

The existence of the application is a substitution for the vanced youtube application, which Google has officially blocked. Has anyone ever used the Youtube Vanced app? You can download this YouTube application through the Play Store.

But now, the application has disappeared from the search list on the official Google marketplace. For those who are already addicted to using this vanced YouTube, now there is a replacement application that is no less cool. We know the application by the name of Vanced.

Has anyone used the app? On this occasion, we will thoroughly discuss the cool application from the review, specifications, how to download and install, and various other important things.


What Is Youtube Vanced?

Before we discuss the Vanced Manager further, it is essential for you to get to know Youtube Vanced itself first. What exactly is this YouTube Vanced app? Have any of you ever used it?

YouTube vanced is an app that allows you to access all your YouTube content without any ads. This applies to all content, both regular and premium. All of them agree that ads often interfere with your comfort when watching YouTube content.

Not only that but this application is also equipped with various other excellent features that give you the convenience of accessing YouTube content on your respective devices. You can even watch any content in the background.

Until now, the regular YouTube app can only be accessed when you open the app. But Youtube Vanced allows you to listen to video content or songs even when the device is locked.

YouTube Vanced is not an application released by Google Inc.APK it was developed by a third party to provide convenience to YouTube users. But then, this application was detected by Google policy, so it was blocked.

This application is considered detrimental to Google and advertisers who advertise on the YouTube application. How not? Their ads will not show at all because this application blocks them. Hence this app is no longer available on Play Store.

After the application is unavailable on the PlayStore, users then look for a replacement. They are already predisposed to dependence on its features. Fortunately, currently, there is a Vanced Manager application that you can download for free.

The use of this application is the most appropriate substitution for YouTube Vanced. Using the manager one application guarantees you to get features equivalent to Youtube Vanced. Users of this one Apk have also been spread in different parts of the world.

Vanced Manager Is a Replacement for Youtube Vanced

As we explained earlier, this Vanced Manager is the most compatible replacement apk with YouTube Vanced. How not? In it, you can find cool features that maximize comfort when watching Youtube content.

You can also find this feature on the Youtube Vanced application. But of course, the developer did a particular development so that this application is one step ahead of its predecessor.

The use of Youtube Vanced and Manager vanced has no difference at all. The difference may only lie in the user interface. These two applications do have different designs for users.

But both applications are equally easy to operate, even for beginners. Unfortunately, this multimedia application is also not available on the play store. The same thing happened to Youtube Vanced. You can only fulfill it through external links.

This is because a third party developed Vanced itself. Automatically this app has absolutely no direct license from Google Inc. Therefore, you should look for credible links first before downloading and installing this app on the device.

Fortunately, on this occasion, we have prepared the most credible annual to download the application. We guarantee that the links in this content are entirely safe and do not contain viruses or malware harmful to your device.

Vanced Manager Features

Being an application that is equated with YouTube Vanced, of course, there are a lot of cool features owned by this Vanced Manager. For those of you who are interested in using the application, of course, understanding the existing features is a must.

You can quickly maximize the application’s functionality if you understand its features thoroughly. After we summarized various sources, it turns out that there are 7 main features that you can find in this application. Just look at the following points.

1. Automatic updates

Generally, third-party applications do not provide an automatic update feature. These third-party applications are unavailable on official marketplaces such as the Play Store or Apps Store. But that’s not the case with this Vanced Manager.

The application has a special button that allows you to update the application automatically. The developer provides a unique portal for users to update without hassle.

This is one of the proofs that the application is professionally managed by its developers. It’s no wonder there are more and more users as time passes. The availability of updates like this will keep you away from being potentially banned.

2. Easy-to-understand user interface

In addition to the first feature described above, another cool feature of this application is the user interface which is not difficult to understand. The developers deliberately created an application with simple menus but have complex and maximum functions.

The developer of this application also guarantees that even beginners will not have difficulty accessing this Vanced Manager application. Even the application also comes with notifications and exceptional guides for new users.

3. Dark mode available

For the convenience and security of your data, some applications provide a dark mode feature. With this one mode, the level of radiation caused by the screen to the eyes can be adequately minimized.

Only quality apps come with those features. You can find this feature in the Vanced Manager that we are discussing. Just click one button, and the application automatically converts to dark or dark modes. You need to click the same button to return it to its original mode.

4. Complete the information portal

Another cool feature of this Vanced Manager app is the complete information portal inside. So in the app, you can find various important information related to other YouTube viewing partners. For example, information about YouTube Vanced, Micro G, etc.

Just by using this vanced app, you can access all information related to YouTube partners for free. There are also many internal links to visit the portals published in it.

5. Very light application size

Another cool feature of this Vanced Manager app is that it is so light in size. With this minimalist size, you can install the application on any device. The install requirements required by the application are also not so high.

But make sure to meet all of these install requirements so that this application can run optimally. For devices released in 2020 and after, separating the app on the respective device may be no problem.

6. Trending video search feature

In addition to the series of features described above, another cool feature owned by Vanced Manager is quickly searching for trending videos. A special button allows you to find popular content within a certain period of time on YouTube.

This feature will make it easier for you to find the right content to publish afterward. This feature can also help you not miss information going viral in various parts of the world.

7. No ads

YouTube Vanced blocks ads to the maximum on the YouTube app. It turns out that you can also find this in the Vanced Manager. Using such applications allows you to comfortably watch the content without being distracted by ads.

This will make the weight of the content being watched well absorbed by you because it is not disturbed by ads. This feature is one of the main reasons many people use Vanced on their respective devices.

8. No need to subscribe to a premium account

Using the regular YouTube app takes a premium account for the ads that appear to be easily blocked. However, this is completely unnecessary if you are using Vanced Manager. This application can directly block emerging ads without needing access to a premium account.

Essential to know joining this premium account requires you to pay a certain amount of subscription fees. However, the use of Manager Vanced minimizes this. You can access this feature for free without any time limitation.

9. Play a video in the background.

Another cool feature of the Vanced Manager application is a service to play video content in the background. So you can close the screen or turn off the phone lock without turning off the YouTube content playing.

Through this Vanced application, any video and MP3 music content will continue to play until you turn it off manually through the application. Therefore, the existence of this application is pretty mandatory for you music lovers.

10. Multifunctional screen feature

The last feature of this application is the multifunctional screen service. So one screen of your smartphone can be used to display several applications at once. Vanced has high compatibility with screen sharing like this.

The appearance of application is equipped with responsive features by the developer. No wonder this application can adjust its appearance to the device’s screen size. That’s why this app is getting more and more widely used as time goes by.

Moreover, Indonesia has a population of more than 200 million, and most of the population also has a Youtube account. The existence of an application like this is very much needed because it can minimize the shortcomings of Youtube Official.

Install Application Requirements

  • Vanced Manager APK App Name
  • Latest Version v2.6.2
  • Update Date 28 April 2022
  • File Size 4.33 MB
  • Android OS 4.4+
  • RAM Minimum 1 GB
  • ROM Minimum 2 GB
  • Price for Free
  • Root Unnecessary
  • Download Link Click Here

How to Download the Vanced Manager App

  1. First click on the link we have given above.
  2. You will be taken directly to the Media Fire site.
  3. Application specification details will appear on the site.
  4. Just click on the download button that is below the application specifications.
  5. The site will bring up verification to ensure you’re not a robot.
  6. Check the box that appears and select the captcha verification image according to the instructions.
  7. After that, click submit.
  8. The download will run automatically.
  9. The apk file will be instantly saved on your device.

How To Install The App

To install the Vanced Manager application, there are a few simple steps that you have to do. But the installation process of this application is inevitably different from the application on the Playstore. This is because the apk is developed by a third party so that it will be detected as an unsafe application.

Therefore the first step you have to do is to change the security settings of the application installed on the respective device. The method is also not complicated at all. Follow the full guide below.

  1. Open the settings menu on your device.
  2. Click the Privacy and Security menu on it.
  3. Select the App Privacy option.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and find the Unknown Sources box.
  5. Check the box for third-party app permissions to be granted.
  6. Close the settings or settings application.
  7. Open the File manager app
  8. Click APK
  9. Find the previously downloaded Vanced Manager Apk file.
  10. Click on the app and select install
  11. Wait for the installation process to complete.
  12. Congratulations now that the app is installed on your device

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Application

Like any other application, there are advantages and disadvantages to this application. It is essential for you as a user to know these advantages and disadvantages. Check out the following explanation.

1. Pros

  • Automatic updates available
  • Easy to operate as it comes with a simple UI
  • It does not require root for installation.
  • Free app service
  • No restrictions on daily use
  • Eliminate ads on Youtube
  • Very light application size

2. Cons

  • It has the potential to bring in viruses or malware if downloaded carelessly.
  • Including the category of illegal apps in the eyes of Google
  • Apps often experience bugs on specific devices.

Is Vanced Manager Safe to Use?

Often questions arise from users regarding whether this application is safe to use. So far, Venced Manager is safe for android users to use. The condition is that you follow all the regulations that the developer has determined.

Don’t forget to make sure that you update this application regularly. This will help you to avoid potential bans on the part of Google as the owner of Youtube. But there are exceptions for Youtube Adsense Advertisers.

If you have a Youtube account already monetized with Google Adsense, we recommend that this Vanced Manager application be avoided as far as possible. The reason is that if discovered, your monetization account can be unilaterally blocked by Google.


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