Whatsapp Clone Apk 2023: Download Links, Features, and How to Use

Steadfast-Marine.co.id-Whatsapp Clone Apk is a modified WhatsApp application that can make your WA can be installed on many cell phones. This application is widely used for online business people, celebrities, and other professions because it requires more than 1 cellphone device to install the same WA.

For example, business chat services can be operated by more than 1 employee to get a quick response, as well as public account admins and celeb grams who can more optimally reply to incoming endorsement messages and many other needs.

Whatsapp is currently considered to be a substitute for cell phones. Almost all types of businesses today list the WA number as their service number.

Well, so that the WA number on the personal, business, or office number can be duplicated to other devices, it is highly recommended to use Whatsapp Clone Apk. Moreover, this application is guaranteed safe; it does not interfere with other pre-installed WA applications.


About WA Clone Apk

Whatsapp clone apk is a WA application developed by a third party, not from the Whatsapp company itself. Although the official version already has 2 applications, namely Whatsapp and Whatsapp Business, because some people need more WA, this application can be an effective alternative.

Whatsapp clone application can still use all features such as official WA, such as group video calls, hide notifications, remove blue checkmarks, and other advanced features. Even Whatsapp Clone has several unique advantages different from the official WA.

No wonder the application has been downloaded up to 5 million+ on the Play Store and received relatively high ratings. Many smartphone users are interested in WA Clone because of the conveniences provided, such as no registration required, connecting with personal WA and WA Business, and other advantages.

How to use Whatsapp Clone is similar to Whatsapp PC, where you can see duplication of the WA account on your cellphone via laptop/PC. So this application supports the management of regular WA and WA businesses.

So every user can see the same Whatsapp account, reply to chats, read messages, see stories, and do other Whatsapp activities on the same WA account. If there is a message that you think has not been read but has been replied to, the sign is that other users have replied to the message.

Then the online sellers with many questions and incoming messages must be significantly helped by the WhatsApp Clone Apk application.

Features of Whatsapp Clone Apk

The Whatsapp Clone Apk feature has several advantages over the official WA version. This is the main reason for most users who like WA Clone because the features offered are pretty crucial for WA users.

Here is some Whatsapp Clone features that you can get:

1. Clone Whatsapp

This most anticipated feature is Clone WA. As the name suggests, this application can copy 1 wa account in full, such as message history and media to its appearance. So there is no need to prepare backups and other troublesome things.

You only need to provide a cellphone installed with Wa Clone and a cellphone whose WA account will be duplicated. After successfully installing the application, it can be used immediately from both devices already connected to the same WA account.

It is used to scan the barcode using the WhatsApp Clone application. A complete guide on how to use it will be explained at the bottom of the article.

2. Direct Chat

The direct chat feature is a feature to send direct messages without saving the destination number. Unlike the official version, which must first save the destination number, in Whatsapp Clone Apk, sending messages can be done immediately.

Because some destination numbers may not be too urgent, they don’t need storage.

This feature can be used easily by clicking the direct chat menu button on the WA Clone application.

3. WA Story Saver

The Story feature on Whatsapp does support users to upload images, videos, text, and links. Unfortunately, the official WA does not yet provide an imitation of save stories, even though this feature is very important when there is important information from friends’ stories.

But don’t worry, because the WA Clone application makes it easy to download stories from friends easily. The story can be downloaded directly and saved in the Whatsapp Clone file.

This application also provides a feature to manage your saved photos and video stories. You can play it directly or download the desired file.

3. WA Business Story Saver

The WA business story saver feature is a feature to save stories on Whatsapp Business. So it’s easier to distinguish files between personal and professional WA applications.

4. Whatsapp Utility

Whatsapp Utility is a feature for managing Whatsapp files. This feature displays all the details of files on Whatsapp, such as status files, image files, profile pictures, videos, audio, voice notes, wallpapers, and backups.

So it is effortless to manage the files above, no more bothering to find images and videos mixed in the cellphone gallery because particular WA files are already available in the Whatsapp Utility feature.

5. ScreenShot WA

The WA screenshot feature also makes it easier for you to save the screen of conversations or other activities. You don’t need to install other screenshot applications on your phone, so the phone’s memory is not used much and does not affect the performance of the cellphone.

You can check the WA screenshot results in the Whats Utility menu, which is available as an option to manage Whatsapp Clone files.

6. Clear Cache

A cache is a memory or record of data for an app, which aims to make activities in the app quickly accessible. The more often the application is used, the larger the number of caches can burden the performance of the cellphone.

But in WA Clone, there is already a WA cache delete feature so that cellphone memory can be more spacious.

7. No Registration

This distinguishes the WA Clone application from similar Whatsapp applications, where no registration with a phone number is required. You can immediately use the application after successfully duplicating it.

Link Download Whatsapp Clone Apk

The Whatsapp Clone Apk download link was originally only available on the website or modification application provider because a third party developed this application. This application has passed the test, avoiding malicious files and errors.

But currently, you can get it through the Play Store platform quickly. If, in the future, the application experiences problems or update notifications; you can find the latest files on this website or through the Google Play Store because regular updates will be made.

Just download the latest file below:

Name Whatsapp Clone Apk
Size 39 MB
Version 7.6
Link Play Store Download

How to Use Whatsapp Clone

The way to use Whatsapp Clone Apk is to scan the barcode of the main WA application. Then, all messages, media, and files will be automatically copied into the new cellphone device.

But for those who are still new to the world of Whatsapp, you can check out the following complete guide:

  1. First, prepare a main on another cellphone that you want to duplicate.
  2. Open the main WA app.
  3. Click the three dots in the upper-right corner.
  4. Select the linked device option; then, a barcode scan will appear.
  5. Next, open the Whatsapp Clone application.
  6. Several options will appear on the front page, then select Whats Cloning.
  7. A QR Code will automatically appear that can be scanned with the central WA earlier.
  8. Please scan it and wait until the WA message successfully appears on the WA Clone screen.
  9. Finish. The WA account was successfully duplicated.

How to Use Direct Chat/Direct Messaging

The direct chat feature allows you to send messages without saving the destination’s cellphone number. This feature is handy if you want to send messages to many numbers, for example, sharing product info for marketing, confirming attendance, etc.

Using it is also very easy, especially since you have prepared it in the list of records so that the number can be copied and pasted.

To be able to use this direct chat, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Whatsapp Clone app.
  2. Select the natural chat option.
  3. Then a column will appear to enter the destination cellphone number.
  4. Enter the number you have prepared, then click the Whatsapp direct chat button.
  5. You will be redirected to a message box, so you can directly type messages and send them as usual in the central WA.

How to Solve Data Differences in Whatsapp Clone Apk

There are often differences in message data when using the same Whatsapp account on different devices. For example, messages sent through the central WA are not read in WA Clone or vice versa, late incoming message notifications, and so on.

If left for too long, there can be misunderstandings between users, for example, assuming that incoming messages have not been replied to when they have. In addition, it can also cause messages to accumulate.

A common cause that often occurs is poor networking. Moreover, the devices use different internet networks, so this difference is even more subtle.

So make sure the internet network of both devices is good so as not to cause delayed messages or differences in incoming notifications.

The following solution is to clear the cache on Whatsapp Clone because the application will update the data and can ease cellphone performance. Because some smartphones with medium specs often experience full memory, the process of downloading data is hampered.

How to Avoid Being Banned Whatsapp Clone

As a third-party application, there are usually risks behind its easy and effective use. An application ban is a typical example of risk, where users can no longer access the application, losing their account and data.

Then how to avoid being banned on Whatsapp Clone? Until now, Whatsapp Clone has been published on the Play Store, of course, it has passed strict requirements, so WA Clone can be said to be safe.

So as long as you don’t commit violations such as engaging in chats in illegal transactions and violating local laws, then you can be sure that the WA Clone application will avoid being blocked.

For prevention, you can also prepare backup data in Whatsapp Clone. Backup files will be stored in the file manager on your cellphone, so they are safe and won’t be deleted even if you delete the app.


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